Inspiration for this game

In my home town, sometimes there are small packs of roaming wild turkeys. You might turn into a neighborhood and there they are, just doing whatever they want to do, they don't get out of your way for anything. They'll get on the roofs of houses, just hang out in yards, block streets, or whatever. It's pretty entertaining at times to see a row of cars stopped, just because some turkeys are meandering through. They're harmless and I think actually bring a bit of charm to the town, and maybe some ridiculous too. 

Anyway, I got to thinking... what if?? What if they showed up in vast numbers and turned on the town, out of nowhere. These formerly harmless large birds all of a sudden became vicious killers!! My imagination ran wild and then I made this game. 

I started thinking of some of the horror books and movies I've enjoyed that have hordes of monsters. I enjoy adding a campy sense to games, some of these media items have that and others don't, but they can all help give a sense of what plots might be fun for the game. 


  • Crab series by Guy N. Smith
  • The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham


  • Attack of the Killer Shrews
  • The Birds
  • Army of Darkness
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • Pitch Black

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